Why Is The Groom Not Supposed To See The Bride Before The Ceremony

Bride accompanied by dad walking down the aisle

Wondering why the groom doesn't see the bride before the ceremony?

This tradition dates back to arranged marriages when it was considered bad luck for the bride and groom to meet before they were at the altar.

Having hosted hundreds of weddings here at Villiers Hotel, we're excited to share our knowledge on this topic with you.  Read on to find out more!

Bride looking into the mirror surrounded by her bridesmaids

History Of This Wedding Tradition

The tradition of the not seeing each other before the wedding dates back to a time when arranged marriages were the norm.

During these arrangements it was not uncommon for the couple to have never met before their wedding day.

In many cases the bride’s father orchestrated the marriage often seeking a wealthy suitor to enhance his family’s status.

Given the nature of these arrangements there was significant concern that if the groom saw the bride before the ceremony and found her unattractive, he might call off the wedding.

Such an outcome would bring great dishonour and shame to the bride and her family.

To avoid this potential humiliation and preserve the family's reputation, the tradition emerged that the couple should not see each other until they were at their wedding ceremony.

The veil played a crucial role in this tradition as the bride walked down the aisle.

By covering the bride’s face with a veil it ensured that the groom would not catch a glimpse of her until the very moment of the ceremony, where it was too late to back out.

As mentioned, it was also believed that if the groom saw the bride before the wedding, it would bring bad luck to their future marriage. This superstition however lacks any substantial evidence to support it.

The tradition of not seeing each other has evolved. While the original fears have faded, the idea of not seeing each other before the ceremony has transformed into a more romantic notion. 

Couples today embrace this to enhance the anticipation and surprise of seeing each other for the first time in their wedding attire at the altar, creating a memorable and emotional moment that adds to the magic of their special day.

Groom lifting brides veil at alter

Do I Have To Stick To This Tradition?

Absolutely not! Whether or not to see your partner before your wedding day is entirely up to you.

Some couples prefer a "First Look" on the morning of the wedding to ease their nerves and capture stunning pre-wedding photos.

Others might opt for a private "Pre-Ceremony Vow Exchange" to share heartfelt moments away from their guests.


We hope you have enjoyed this read and it has provided you with the insights you needed. For more wedding tips and insights, visit our Blog page.


Bride and Groom exchanging rings during their marriage ceremony

FAQs Related To: Why Is The Groom Not Supposed To See The Bride Before The Ceremony

Q: Is it bad luck to see the bride the day before the wedding?
A: There is no evidence that it's bad luck for the groom to see the bride on the day of their wedding. The belief that it's bad luck to see the bride the day before the wedding is rooted in tradition, particularly from the days of arranged marriages. However, many modern couples choose to spend time together before their wedding without worrying about superstitions. Ultimately, whether you adhere to this tradition is a personal choice based on what feels right for you as a couple.

Q: Are you supposed to see your spouse on your wedding day?
A: Traditionally, it's believed that the bride and groom should not see each other before the ceremony to maintain an element of surprise and excitement. However, many couples now opt for a "first look" photo session before the ceremony to share an intimate moment and calm their nerves. It's entirely up to you whether you want to follow the tradition or create your own special moments on your wedding day.

Q: Should the bride sleep with the groom night before the wedding?
A: There is no right or wrong answer to whether the bride should sleep with the groom the night before the wedding. Some couples prefer to spend the night apart to build anticipation for the big day, while others feel more comfortable and relaxed staying together. It's important to choose what makes you both feel happy and at ease as you prepare for your wedding day.