What Is A Wedding Vow And How To Write Your Own

Wedding vow booklets for the bride and groom

Let's begin by understanding what a wedding vow is. The vow exchange is one of the most important parts of a wedding ceremony.

This significant moment usually occurs right before the ring exchange and the pronouncement of marriage.

During the vows the bride and groom make promises to each other that they intend to keep throughout their life together. 

Some couples read out traditional vows rooted in their religion or culture, while others choose to write their own messages for their future spouse.

At Villiers Hotel we've witnessed countless heartfelt vows at our wedding venue and are excited to share our knowledge with you.

Read on to learn how to write your own vows, tips, and more!

Bride saying her wedding vows to her husband

How To Write Your Own Wedding Vows

Writing your own wedding vows can be a beautiful way to personalise your ceremony. and really make the moment count. 

Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you create vows that are heartfelt and memorable:

1. Reflect on Your Relationship: Get started by thinking about your journey as a couple. Consider the moments that brought you closer and the good times you've shared. Also mention the qualities you love most about them. Is it their loyalty? Thoughtfulness? This is your moment to make your partner feel special.  

2. Make a List of Promises: Think about the commitments you want to make to your partner. These can range from sentimental promises like supporting each other through tough times, to light-hearted ones like always sharing the last piece of dessert.

3. Incorporate Personal Stories: Include anecdotes and memories that highlight your relationship. These personal touches will make your vows unique and meaningful.

4. Write a Rough Draft: Begin drafting your vows by combining your reflections, promises, and personal stories. Don’t worry about making it perfect on the first try; just put pen to paper and get your thoughts down. 

5. Edit and Refine: Read through your draft and refine your heartfelt words. Focus on making sure your vows are concise but impactful. Aim for about one to two minutes in length.

6. Rehearse Your Vows: Practice reading your vows aloud and in front of a mirror. This will help you get comfortable with the wording and delivery. It also ensures that your vows flow smoothly and naturally. After all, not everyone is a fan of public speaking but practicing beforehand will ensure it all goes to plan.  

7. Seek Feedback: Share your vows with a trusted friend or family member for feedback. They can provide valuable insights and help you fine-tune your words.

8. Finalise and Prepare: Once you’re happy with your vows write them down neatly or print them out. Keep a copy with you on the big day just in case nerves get the best of you.

By following these steps, you can create wedding vows that are deeply personal and truly reflect your love and lifelong commitment to each other.

Man reading his wedding vows

7 Tips When Writing Wedding Vows 

Writing your own wedding vows can be a deeply personal and meaningful experience. Here are some tips to help you craft the perfect vows:

1. Rehearse Your Vows: Practice delivering your vows to ensure they flow smoothly and feel natural prior to your wedding day.

2. Seek Feedback: Share your vows with one of your loved ones for feedback and suggestions.

3. Be Authentic: Write from the heart and be true to your feelings and experiences.

4. Keep It Concise: Aim to keep your vows impactful and easy to remember, one to two minutes is recommended.

5. Include Personal Touches: Incorporate anecdotes, memories, and specific promises that are unique to your relationship.

6. Stay Positive: Focus on the positive aspects of your relationship and your hopes for the future.

7. Avoid Overcomplicating: Keep your language simple and sincere to convey your message clearly.

By following these tips, you can create vows that truly reflect your love and commitment to your partner.

Bride and groom saying their wedding vows to each other


We hope you enjoyed this read! Whether you keep to traditional wedding vows or write your own personal wedding vows, its important to recite them so you're ready for the big day. 

From us all at Villiers Hotel - Happy Wedding Planning! 


FAQs Related To: What Is A Wedding Vow And How To Write Your Own

Q: Are you allowed to write your own vows?
A: Yes, you're allowed to write your own vows. Many couples choose to write personalised vows to express their unique love story. However, it’s a good idea to check with your officiant or venue to ensure your personalised vows align with any legal or religious requirements.

Q: Is it hard to write wedding vows?
A: The writing process can be challenging but also incredibly rewarding. The difficulty often lies in articulating deep emotions and important promises in a concise and meaningful way. Taking time to reflect on your relationship and following a structured approach can help make the process easier.

Q: What are the most basic wedding vows?
A: The most basic wedding vows often follow a traditional format such as:
"I, [Name], take you, [Name], to be my [husband/wife], to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, until death do us part."

Q: How long should a wedding vow be?
A:  A wedding vow should typically be about one to two minutes long. This allows enough time to express your heartfelt promises and emotions without losing the attention of your audience or dragging out the ceremony.